Tuesday, May 13, 2008

26 ABC Counts Might Have Knocked Out O'Meara's

The details of Mike O'Meara's restaurant closing are coming to light through the mainstream media. It appears that the Virginia Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control, or as we laymen would say - the Virginia ABC, levied 26 fines against the Manassas eatery from August 2006 to April 2007 totalling approximately $26,000 according to InsideNoVa.com.

The laundry list of charges and violations included:
  • 7 violations for allowing the consumption of alcoholic beverages by a person the licensee knew or had reason to believe was intoxicated
  • 1 violation where the licensee enticed, urged or entreated patrons to purchase alcoholic beverages in violation of state law
  • 7 counts of making gifts of alcoholic beverages in violation of Virginia law
  • 8 counts of holding happy hour between 9 PM and 2 AM
  • 2 charges of allowing people who the licensee knew or had reason to believe were intoxicated to loiter on the premises
  • 1 charge of making gifts of alcoholic beverages in violation of Virginia law was dismissed

However, since O'Meara's has closed its doors and surrendered its license in April of this year, these charges will essentially be dismissed.

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Johnny said...

Drunks drinking liquor and loitering in a bar? Shocking!

Its sounds like somebody had it in for O'mearas... Maybe Don Geronimo is a snitch?

Britt Schramm said...

Indeed. But doubtful that Doni G would rat out Mike. But there are others (maybe even exes) that would like to see Mike's joint falter. But I'm sure it's more due to bad location and the plummeting dollar than the fines that killed O'Meara's.